Training and injury rehab tips for elite and everyday athletes
Ever been told your knee or hip pain could be a result of your feet?
Ever been told your knee or hip pain could be a result of your feet? Ever heard from a physiotherapist or a personal trainer that your “local pain” could be “coming from elsewhere”? Common rhetoric includes that your shoulder might be hurting because of your...
Build an at home gym for between $100-1000
Introduction During the very early stages of the pandemic, you might have been like me and thought: “This is so nice to be home a little more! It feels like a break from the hectic regular schedule!”. It's true. Staying at home for the first month, although...
Can your training philosophy as a coach change over time? (PODCAST)
If you're following us and not a client of ours, but are interested in our work, START WITH THIS PODCAST. Enough said. If you are a client of ours and want to learn more about us or the development of our philosophy - START WITH THIS PODCAST! Introduction...
What is the difference between PNF stretching and FRC’s PAILs/RAILs?
Introduction “Stretching” has become somewhat of a dirty word in athletics. These days, the general opinion seems to be that stretching is useless and can even be harmful. On the other hand - stretching amongst the general population has become trendy, popular, and...
Should Children Lift Weights?
Why are children and teens lifting weights nowadays? Participation in organized youth sports is increasing and opportunities to participate in competitive environments are happening at younger ages. Not only are kids starting sport at younger ages, they are also doing...
Are Traditional Rehab Methods Failing Your Feet? A Lower-Limb Expert Weighs In [Interview].
“As I mentioned previously – if you try adjusting an exercise, or stop and start again and the pain continues to progress, I would suggest being assessed by a medical professional prior to continuation. This ensures you don’t have a particular injury or condition that could possibly get worse with exercise.”
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Our mission is to change the way people perceive performance and rehab. They are not separate, they are on the exact same spectrum. Movements that are injury-resistant tend to be those that are also performance-enhancing. We are committed to helping, innovating, and being leaders in our fields.