Training and injury rehab tips for elite and everyday athletes
Which smartwatch should I buy in 2024 to get the most out of my endurance training?
Discover the perfect watch for optimizing your endurance training! Explore budget-friendly options and essential features like Training Peaks integration, battery life, GPS accuracy, and more to elevate your performance.
Why won’t my achilles pain go away? Ideas for tackling chronic achilles pain
Whether you’re an athlete, occasional marathoner, or a casual exerciser, chronic Achilles pain can be a frustrating and painful condition that interferes with your daily life. In this blog, we’ll explore the common causes of chronic Achilles pain, effective treatments using exercise and not passive modalities, alternative ways to deal with the issue that you might have not heard of before, and preventative measures for managing this condition.
Goal Setting for Endurance Athletes
We often think of goal setting as a really simple process – something we can come up with in a matter of minutes. In reality, good goal setting can be tricky! It involves a lot of reflection, long-term planning, and the ability to break down your bigger goals into smaller chunks. Here, we dive into these concepts more.
What is pronation and what should you do about it?
When the arch is not functioning properly, the foot can become unstable, which can lead to issues or injuries like overpronation-related injuries, or the foot becoming stuck in supination-type shapes. Explore more about pronation and supination here.
Why speed first, then capacity?
You’ve probably heard the theory that you should build a big base of volume in your training before you add speed. But, INTENSITY based approaches exist as well, and here we explore a common method in the track and field world that has built champions.
Track Legend, Les Gramantik: Evolving Coaching Philosophy
Les Gramantik is a hall-of-fame inductee and as of 2024 he has attended 8 Olympics as a coach and 1 Olympics as an athlete. In this interview, we try to pull out all of the stories from his past, his training philosophies, and his humour.
Do I Need Lactate and VO2 Max Testing?
Lactate and VO2max testing are two popular methods used to assess the fitness and performance of runners. These tests provide valuable information that can help athletes understand their physiological capabilities and identify areas for improvement. Lactate testing measures the point at which lactate begins to accumulate in the muscles during exercise, known as the lactate threshold. VO2max testing, on the other hand, measures the maximum amount of oxygen that an athlete can consume during exercise.
A Critical Look at Full Body Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Training – Is the hype all wrong?
Our comprehensive guide provides insights into the effectiveness, safety, and potential risks of this unique workout method, helping you make an informed decision before trying it out.
Endurance Coach – Is it worth it?
My parents tell me that I could ski before I could walk and that trying to keep up with my big brother in all his activities was how I got into the world of sport. Being involved in sport for as long as I can remember also means a history of spending a lot of time...
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Our mission is to change the way people perceive performance and rehab. They are not separate, they are on the exact same spectrum. Movements that are injury-resistant tend to be those that are also performance-enhancing. We are committed to helping, innovating, and being leaders in our fields.